Citaten over transities
Leuk als experts uit gebieden in transitie zowat exact dezelfde observaties doen als wij in onze generieke leergang Transities. Enkele citaten uit de buitenwereld.
16 oktober 2014, rapport van De Nederlandse Bank & Autoriteit Financiële Markten, Verandervermogen in de Financiële Sector:
“What is capacity for change?
An organisation’s capacity for change is the extent to which groups of people within that organisation are willing and able to effectively implement
ambitions and objectives and ensure they succeed. It also includes the ability to adjust the process of change if the approach does not seem to be working
or if there is a drastic change in circumstances. Are the drawn-up plans actually put to practice? […] The diffculties faced by a corporate banking department are different from those facing a compliance department. By studying different change processes at each organisation, however, we were able to identify certain patterns in factors
promoting or impeding change that appear in more than one part of the organisation. […] We believe that the biggest risks at the moment lie in ineffective changes being made and the financial sector failing to respond swiftly enough to external developments. […] The sector introduced measures in many areas in recent years. They include adjustments to strategy and core values, as well as resolution plans and specific matters such as mortgage interest policy and the settlement of claims. These are far-reaching measures that benefit consumers, but they are primarily instrumental adjustments to systems, processes and procedures. The next steps on the road to creating a healthy, sound and ethical financial sector that focuses on the interests of customers require that organisations make further changes to their business models, that entire organisations are committed to change, and that the business culture is changed effectively. While every institution has its own frame of reference, culture and ambitions, we noted a number of similarities in the course of our study. The economic climate still poses a threat to the soundness of financial enterprises.”